The Money is in The List

But NOT the way you do it . . . 

Sometime in the past, some genius told you to start an email list.

“It’s easy”, they said.

“Add a form and build a list”, they said.

“Sell to that list”, they said.

“Easy-peeesy!”, they said . . .

So you did it and at first it was easy. But then came Unsubscribes and even some Spam complaints. Google and Yahoo came out next spouting things like SPF, DKIM and Dmarc. (yeah like you know all about that). Open Rates dropped and it was not easy anymore.

Here’s the thing. In the beginning people joined your list because they liked what you offered. But you’ve been sending them a steady stream of promos, flyers and ads. And . . .

People HATE Ads

How much do people hate ads?

Millions pay companies like Netflix, Hulu & Sirius Radio to AVOID ads.  Almost every computer has Ad Blocking Software installed and Ads are why your finger hovers over the ‘Skip Ad’  Button on YouTube. 

Email flyers are like that distant relative who only calls when they want something.
It’s never “How are you?” or “How’s the family?”— it’s straight to “Hey, can you help me move this weekend?”

Do you open your Email, hoping to see flyers and ads? 

Flyers interrupt; Stories engage.

What to do?  Well, we’re in the Entertainment Economy, right?

People want . . .  

     … entertaining

     … awesome

     … funny

     … helpful

     … useful

Are your emails, compelling, entertaining, memorable, persuasive, or captivating?

Silly question. If 70% (or more) of the emails you send, never get opened, your emails aren’t any of these things!

Most company emails are like those flyers someone crams under your windshield wiper in a parking lot — cheap and destined for the trash without a second glance. But StoryMails? They’re like a handwritten note left on your windshield that says:

“I couldn’t help but notice your car is a classic beauty—just like the one my dad used to drive.
Thanks for the nostalgia trip. Have a great day!”

You’d smile, maybe even keep the note, because it feels personal, thoughtful, and entirely different from the junk everyone else is tossing away.

Humans are wired for stories — it’s why we binge-watch TV Shows and stay up late reading great books. Stories grab attention, pull at emotions, and keep people hooked.

When you entertain your readers, you’re more than just another business vying for their attention. You’re the person (or brand) that makes them smile. Over time, those good vibes get tied to you. They’ll think, “I love these emails!” which quickly becomes, “I love this company!” (And let’s face it, people buy from companies they like.)

In a world where inboxes are stuffed with spammy sales pitches, StoryMails are a breath of fresh air. They’re that little “oasis of joy” your audience didn’t know they needed. And because they’re fun to read, they’ll keep opening them. Again. And again. And again.

Here’s the most important point, you need to mail stuff that,

 People Want to Read!

When you mail stuff people want to read, GOOD things happen!
   * Open Rates soar.
   * Delivery problems disappear.
   * Clients read and like your emails.
   * Spam and Promotional folders cease to be a problem.
   * Conversion rates go up.
   * Sales skyrocket and
   * Your competitors become irrelevant!

When your name pops up in your subscribers’ inboxes, do they groan like they just stepped on a LEGO? Or do they lean in, eager to see what you’ve got this time?

The goal here is simpler than a caveman’s wardrobe: Be someone people want to hear from.

If your emails scream “HUGE SALE—ENDS TONIGHT!!” with fuzzy product photos, congratulations — you’re ‘flyering.’ And ‘flyering’ is the email equivalent of those wobbly sign spinners on the sidewalk. Loud. Desperate. Ignored.

Now imagine an email that starts with, “You won’t believe what happened to me yesterday…”

That’s not a flyer. That’s a story. That’s the kind of email people actually want to open. It’s a coffee-shop chat, a front-row seat to something fun. And that? That my friend, that’s a StoryMail.

Your ‘flyers’ are mind-numbing noise; StoryMails are a must-read masterpiece. OK, masterpiece is a bit of a strong word, even for me. But seriously,

if you can’t get your subscribers to open your emails . . .
they’re never going to give you their money.

Here’s what I do: Tell a story, relate it to your product, and at the end present an opportunity to buy. Easy. Enjoyable. No pressure.

Your choice is not complex. You can keep doing what you’re doing and watch your Open Rates continue to fall OR step up to StoryMails and watch your list grow, your Open Rate rise and your sales soar.

It’s your call.

Chief Scribbler

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